The Democratic Day

The Democratic Day

The democratic day is a health check on the essence of democracy. A day filled with talks, debates, and cultural events, which aim to ignite young people's interest in democracy and give them the opportunity to be active participants. Here they have the opportunity to meet politicians, opinion makers, NGOs, and many others up close. In order for the day to run smoothly, we need volunteer participants who can help us with a smooth event execution.

Practical information:

There will be opportunities for breaks during all shifts, as well as we will provide needed catering. The food will be vegetarian.

Kontaktperson: Caroline S. Virklund, email: [email protected]


Vi skal bruge informationsansvarlige til infoteltet, der står på pladsen når folk ankommer. Her skal de informationsansvarlige kunne vejlede gæsterne i hvordan pladsen er indrettet, dagens program, hvor gæsterne skal gå hen når de har en guidet tur osv. Her er det vigtigt at være åben, positiv og op... Read more
Renovation managers
As a cleaning supervisor, it is your responsibility to ensure that waste sorting is done correctly, that the site is neat and tidy both during the day's event and when the event ends. In addition, you must check the toilet paper, hand soap, and hand sanitizer and refill if needed. You will be an ess... Read more
Stage manager
As a stage manager, you will be responsible for ensuring that everything around the stage runs smoothly. It will be your task to make sure that people come on stage on time, that everything they need is on stage such as microphones, chairs, tables, etc., and to run on stage with a new microphone if ... Read more